> Little Kids and Teenagers of the Community Camino Verde put themselves in movement: to present their dance skills.
> Education through art contributes to transforming vulnerable settlements in Tijuana.
The project "Fronteras Tijuana" is a platform of social outreach that the dance group Lux Boreal started 2016 in partnership with Torolab and the Granja Trasnfronteriza in permanent program at the settlement Camino Verde in Tijuana, where children and teenagers can have the chance to develop dance skills through expression and movement workshops, teach weekly by members of Lux Boreal together with alumni of the Center for Dance and Scenic Production of Baja California (CDPEBC).
The main goal of "Fronteras Tijuana" is to create a space for exchange and connection between artistic disciplines, public and civil organizations and the community. All of these groups gathered to work and collaborate through contemporary art and education, to reinforce community values, re-signify spaces and provide alternatives for social inclusion through free workshops given by artists within the project La Granja Transfronteriza, in partnership with Lux Boreal, the CDPEBC, Torolab, and the REDES 2025 musical program.
After more than 2 years of continuous work, "Fronteras Tijuana" has taken on the task of finding the necessary resources to continue benefiting more than 30 children and teenagers in the community of Camino Verde, "We have been progressing slowly but continuously and In good shape, we have found a strong and committed team of young artists in the CDPEBC, we are more organized and the way of working and developing the dance/body skills of the children is clearer "," The greatest progress we have noticed in the students and their families are definitely part the commitment, we have students who started from the beginning and continue in the program with great enthusiasm to continue in it, the number of dropouts is minimal in this last semester " said the teacher and choreographer Briseida López who coordinates this project.
All Lux Boreal activities are supported by the National Fund for Culture and the Arts pf México
Fotografías: Gabino Guerrero/Momentum Photography @rojogro